SOK Handbook 2025

Driver's Manual

To make studying easier, the Oklahoma SOK handbook 2025 edition is available in multiple languages and comes with an audio version. Get interactive support with our AI assistant to clarify any complex terms.

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Learning to drive isn’t just a rite of passage in Oklahoma, but can also be a necessity, with wide, open spaces that only a car can cover between many opportunities you may need to reach. Getting licensed starts here by studying for your driver’s permit with the Oklahoma Driver’s Handbook. Once you’ve studied a sufficient amount, using the easy navigation controls, you can start gaining more practical experience by using our free Oklahoma permit practice tests. Once you feel completely comfortable with the Oklahoma Driver’s Handbook, it’s time to go out, take your exam, and get that driver’s permit!

Is this the most recent version?

Rather than simply embedding the same general information from other sources, we pull the most recent version directly from the SOK, so that you never waste time studying old information.

Should I use the driver’s manual as the only resource for studying?

While the Driver’s Handbook is the most up-to-date resource for learning about your state’s driver’s licensing process, it’s still essentially a legal document and its purpose is to inform, not to help you learn quickly. We recommend using it in tandem with our practice tests as a part of your Oklahoma driver’s license studying process. Our free practice tests that can help you understand and memorize the most important information you’ll need to know. Our Premium program can help you learn more quickly and thoroughly, without the need to waste time searching for information that might not even be on your exam.

What if I have a question about my state’s driver handbook?

The Oklahoma Driver’s Handbook is the state’s official resource for all questions related to driver’s licensing. While we hope you find this and our other resources useful, we recommend reaching out to your local Department of Public Safety if you have any questions that aren’t answered here.